Dinoflagellate Ceratium gravidum. In the video one can observe the movement of one of the two flagella. (Video : Sophie Marro)
Elephant seal equipped with a sensor
Larva of decapod crustacean (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Instrumented buoy (Photo : Emilie Diamond)
Crab Zoea larva (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Diatom genus Coscinodiscus (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Siphonophores - The longest animals on the planet
Cousins of corals, siphonophores are colonies of specialized individuals called zoids. Some catch and digest their prey, others swim, or lay eggs or sperm.
Rosette used to collect seawater samples during a scientific cruise in the South Pacific Ocean. During the austral summer, the amount of chlorophyll a is so low that the water becomes deep blue, almost purple. (Photo : Joséphine Ras)
Mollusk (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Underwater glider (Photo : David Luquet)
Scientists collecting seawater samples from the rosette (Photo : Stacy Knapp, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
The research vessel "Marion Dufresne"
Diatom species Odontella mobiliensis (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Acantharia (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Surface chlorophyll a concentration in the Mediterranean Sea.
Gelatinous plankton Mneniopsis (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Prélèvements d'eau des mésocosmes pour analyses, lors de l'expérience menée en Corse en juin/juillet 2012 (© A. Ree, PML)
Instrumented buoy (Photo : David Luquet)