mon océan & moi

Young and old listen to the oceans

A OOV team and a MEDITES class play to recognize recorded underwater sounds A OOV team and a MEDITES class play to recognize recorded underwater sounds

In the context of MEDITES, the OOV and the Petits Débrouillards offer a new session dedicated to the SOUNDS OF THE OCEAN (See the poster)




Since autumn 2014, thanks to MEDITES (Méditerranée Diffusion des Techniques et des Sciences), the "Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer" (OOV) staff work closely with the association Les Petits Débrouillards in order to design sessions both fun and educational. These sessions concern different aspects of oceanography and adress above all young people.

A group of OOV engineers are working on the hydrophone (that is, underwater microphones) installation on submarine robots, such as profiling floats or instrumented buoys. The scientists will be able to record and then listen and interpret the multitude of sounds that we may emit and hear in the oceans.

That is why this year the OOV and the Petits Débrouillards have created a new session: SOUNDS OF THE OCEANS,designed and animated as part of educational paths offered in the classes participating to the MEDITES project.

The main goal is to understand the physics of sound waves and their role in the oceans, by means of experiences, challenges and quiz.

Considering that this session was successfull with the MEDITES students, it was also presented to the OMTAB (Optique, Télédétection Marine et Applications à la Biogéochimie) of the OOV. Appraisal: adults are applied and had fun as much as the kids!


› Session SOUNDS OF THE OCEAN - Documents to download :

pdfPoster Sounds of the Oceans -2.32 Mo (path OCEAN: OBSERVATION AND DISCOVERY) - (French)

pdfEducational material from "les Petits Débrouillards" - Sounds of the Oceans -560.10 Ko (path OCEAN: OBSERVATION AND DISCOVERY) - (French)

Séance Sons des Océans - parcours OCEAN - OBSERVATION ET DECOUVERTE Carrying out SOUNDS OF THE OCEANS session in a class involved in the MEDITES project Carrying out SOUNDS OF THE OCEANS session in a class involved in the MEDITES project Carrying out SOUNDS OF THE OCEANS session with a team of the Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer



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