Illustration in synthesized images of the seasons of the ocean: a year from the Antarctic - Animation Clement Fontana
Plankton are a multitude of living organisms adrift in the currents.Our food, our fuel, and the air we breathe originate in plankton.
Phytoplankton bloom observed in the Barents Sea (North of Norway) in August 2010 by the ocean color sensor MODIS onboard NASA satellite Aqua. Changes in ocean color result from modifications in the phytoplankton composition and concentration. The green colors are likely associated with the presence of diatoms. The shades of light blue result from the occurrence of coccolithophores, phytoplankton organisms that strongly reflect light due to their chalky shells - Source : NASA's Earth Observatory (http:/
Carte bathymétrique mondiale
Dinoflagellate Ceratium reflexum (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Gelatinous plankton Mneniopsis (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Annelid worm (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Instrumented buoy (Photo : David Luquet)
Phronimes - Monstres des tonneaux
Recyclant salpes et méduses, la femelle phronime construit des tonneaux gélatineux et y élève sa progéniture.
The research vessel "Marion Dufresne"
Copepode Sapphirina iris (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Satellite observation (GEOS-12) of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 in the Gulf of Mexico - Source : NASA-NOAA
Ostracodes (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Profiling float (Photo : David Luquet)
Sea Urchin - Planktonic Origins
Barely visible to the naked eye, sea urchin larvae grow and transform into bottom-dwelling urchins.
Les mésocosmes attirent les poissons ! (© Stareso)
Dinoflagellates Ceratium platycorne var platycorne (Photo : Sophie Marro)