Instrumented buoy (Photo : David Luquet)
Rosette for collecting seawater samples
Dinoflagellate Ceratium ranipes grd mains (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Deployment of a profiling float (Photo : Jean-Jacques Pangrazi)
Deployment of a profiling float (Photo : Jean-Jacques Pangrazi)
Copepode Coryceide (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Diatom genus Coscinodiscus (Photo : Sophie Marro)
The seasonal evolution of the chlorophyll a concentration as seen by a « water color » satellite (SeaWifs) in the Atlantic Ocean.
Instrumented buoy (Photo : David Luquet)
Crab Zoea larva (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Satellite observation (GEOS-12) of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 in the Gulf of Mexico - Source : NASA-NOAA
Appendicularia Oikopleura dioica (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Ctenaria Lampetia pancerina (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Dinoflagellate Ceratium candelabrum var depressum (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Ciliate (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Siphonophore Forskalia formosa (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Instrumented buoy (Photo : David Luquet)
Ocean color satellites travel around the Earth at an altitude of about 700 to 800 km.