Siphonophores Forskalia formosa (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Villefranche-sur-Mer in stormy weather, winter 2011 - Photo : J.-M. Grisoni
Instrumented buoy (Photo : Emilie Diamond)
Diatom genus Chaetoceros (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Dinoflagellate Ceratium falcatum (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Instrumented buoy (Photo : Emilie Diamond)
Underwater glider (Photo : David Luquet)
Siphonophore Forskalia formosa (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Deployment of a profiling float (Photo : Jean-Jacques Pangrazi)
Foraminifera Orbulina universa and mollusk larva (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Siphonophores - The longest animals on the planet
Cousins of corals, siphonophores are colonies of specialized individuals called zoids. Some catch and digest their prey, others swim, or lay eggs or sperm.
Squid larva (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Elephant seal equipped with a sensor
Dinoflagellate Ceratium teresgyr (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Mollusk (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Diatoms - Life in glass houses
Champions of photosynthesis, these unicellular organisms appeared at the time of dinosaurs.They produce a quarter of the oxygen we breathe.
Foraminifera Ruber (Photo : Fabien Lombard)