Siphonophores Forskalia formosa (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Ciliate (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Deployment of a profiling float (Photo : Jean-Jacques Pangrazi)
The seasonal evolution of the chlorophyll a concentration as seen by a « water color » satellite (SeaWifs) in the Atlantic Ocean.
Diatom genus Cylindrotheca (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Large rosette sampler used in the "World Ocean Circulation Experiment". This rosette has 36 10-liter Niskin bottles, an acoustic pinger (lower left), an "LADCP" current profiler (yellow long tube at the center), a CTD (horizontal instrument at the bottom), and transmissometer (yellow short tube at the center). (Photo : L. Talley)
Average chlorophyll concentration in the surface ocean (from mi-September 1997 to August 2007) from the ocean color sensor SeaWiFS (NASA). Subtropical gyres, in the center of the oceanic basins, are characterized by very low concentrations of chlorophyll a (dark blue) - Source : NASA's Earth Observatory (http:/
Ctenaria Lampetia pancerina (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Remote-controlled sailboat
Sea Urchin - Planktonic Origins
Barely visible to the naked eye, sea urchin larvae grow and transform into bottom-dwelling urchins.
Siphonophore Forskalia formosa (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Phronimes - Monstres des tonneaux
Recyclant salpes et méduses, la femelle phronime construit des tonneaux gélatineux et y élève sa progéniture.
Profiling float (Photo : David Luquet)
Jellyfish Aequorea aequorea (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Dinoflagellate Ceratium reflexum (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Colony of salps Salpa fusiformis (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Instrumented buoy (Photo : Emilie Diamond)