Rosette used to collect seawater samples during a scientific cruise in the South Pacific Ocean. (Photo : Joséphine Ras)
Les Diatomées - Bacillaria
Colonie de diatomées du genre Bacillaria dont les individus peuvent glisser les uns par rapport aux autres.
Vue sous-marine d'un groupe de mésocosmes montrant un plongeur récoltant les pièges à sediment (© Stareso)
Embryos and larvae
Drifting in the currents, embryos and larvae perpetuate the species and are food for multitudes.
Acantharia (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Gelatinous plankton Pelagia and Ctenophores (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Scientists collecting seawater samples from the rosette (Photo : Stacy Knapp, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Siphonophore Forskalia formosa (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Dinoflagellate Ceratium pentagonum var robustum (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Dinoflagellate Ceratium praelongum (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Carte bathymétrique mondiale
Dinoflagellate Ceratium arietinum var arietinum (Photo : Sophie Marro)
Average chlorophyll concentration in the surface ocean (from mi-September 1997 to August 2007) from the ocean color sensor SeaWiFS (NASA). Subtropical gyres, in the center of the oceanic basins, are characterized by very low concentrations of chlorophyll a (dark blue) - Source : NASA's Earth Observatory (http:/
Foraminifera Orbulina universa and mollusk larva (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Deployment of a profiling float (Photo : Jean-Jacques Pangrazi)
Villefranche-sur-Mer in stormy weather, winter 2011 - Photo : J.-M. Grisoni