Vue sous-marine d'un groupe de mésocosmes (© Stareso)
Annelid worm (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Trimaran of INSU
Les mésocosmes déployés dans la rade de Villefranche (© L. Maugendre, LOV)
Squid larva (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Stickers & Goodies
Dinoflagellate Ceratium furca (Photo : Sophie Marro)
The various components of a profiling float type PROVOR
Instrumented buoy (Photo : Emilie Diamond)
Underwater glider (Photo : David Luquet)
Villefranche-sur-Mer in stormy weather, winter 2011 - Photo : J.-M. Grisoni
Drifting profiling floats in the Atlantic
Ciliate (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Siphonophore Forskalia formosa (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Siphonophores - The longest animals on the planetCousins of corals, siphonophores are colonies of specialized individuals called zoids. Some catch and digest their prey, others swim, or lay eggs or sperm.
Foraminifera (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Jellyfish Aequorea aequorea (Photo : Fabien Lombard)
Gelatinous plankton salpes and Beroe (Photo : Fabien Lombard)